Enterprise Dashboard

The Enterprise Dashboard summarizes KPIs across your fleet and teams, and graphs vehicle idle hours and vehicle distance trends over time. This dashboard includes a summary table (Enterprise KPI) and two line graphs (Vehicle Idle Time Trend and Fleet Distance):


Enterprise KPI - A table that includes the following metric columns for the selected fleet or sub-fleet:

Distance (unit) - Summed distance traveled by all vehicles in the fleet or sub-fleet in miles (mi) or kilometers (km).
Idle (h) - Summed number of vehicle hours spent idling.
Idle Percent - Average percentage of vehicle time spent idling.
Hard Acceleration - Total number of hard acceleration events logged. These events are recorded using data from accelerometers installed in vehicles.
Hard Braking - Total number of hard braking events logged. These events are recorded using data from accelerometers installed in vehicles.
Speeding over limit - Total number of speeding over limit events logged. These events are triggered when two successive geographic points are recorded within a five minute interval indicating the vehicle is traveling over the posted speed limit.
Speed Events > 75 mph - Total number of speeding over 75 MPH events logged.
Vehicle Count - Total number of vehicles in the fleet.
Total Exceptions - Total number of exceptions logged (summed value of Speeding over 75, Speeding over limit, Hard Brake and Hard Accel column values).
Exceptions per Vehicle - The average number of exceptions per vehicle (Total Exceptions divided by Vehicle Count).

To sort a column, click the column header. Each row represents a fleet or sub-fleet, as selected using the dashboard filter. The total scores for all displayed fleets are shown along the lower row of the table in bold text.


Vehicle Idle Time - A trend line chart that details the number of logged engine idle hours over time. Hover over any point on the line chart to view the number of idle hours recorded on the date of the graph across the x-axis. To specify a fleet or date range to graph, use the dashboard filter.


Fleet Distance - A trend line chart that details the summed number of miles driven by vehicles in the selected sub-fleet over time. Hover over any point on the line chart to view the number of idle hours recorded on the date of the graph across the x-axis. To specify a fleet or date range to graph, use a dashboard filter.

Filtering the Enterprise Dashboard

To specify the trip metrics to include in the graph, or the date range of the data displayed, use the Metric Filter or Date Filter located in the upper right corner of the screen:


Metric Filter. With this tool you can enter complex filter statements that specify how a given filter field should be compared to a specified filter criterion. The filter uses the following syntax:

<filter field> <comparison operator> <filter criterion>.

Some examples of possible filter strings include:

Vehicle[Year]=2015 - This filters the data to include only vehicles registered in 2015.

Vehicle[Fuel Type]=Gasoline - This filters the data to include only vehicles that use gasoline, and exclude vehicles running any other fuel type (for example, diesel).

You can also combine filters using this tool, to focus your report on specific metric combinations. For example, to filter all trips for a specific vehicle (Truck) after and including a set date (2010) you could combine two filters:


Start Time[UTC Year]>=2010

To create a filter, click the Metric Filter control located in the upper right corner of the screen. The filter wizard opens:

Click Choose Filter, then click successive attribute option links to navigate to an individual filter field. These are the fields the filter should be applied to:

You can specify filters for any of the following:

Vehicle - Contains a variety of vehicle attributes, including manufacturer, year, model, fleets, and tags.
Day - Time periods used to filter data displayed, in addition to the date filter.

Select an attribute from the Vehicle filter:

oVehicle Name - The name of the vehicle.
oFuel Type - The type of fuel used by the vehicle, for example, diesel or gasoline.
oYear - The year of registration.
oMake - The manufacturer of the vehicle, for example, "Ford" or "Volvo".
oModel - The model of the vehicle, for example, "F250".
oVIN - The unique Vehicle Identification Number assigned to the vehicle.
oColor - The color of the vehicle.
oRegistration - The registration (license plate) details of the vehicle.
oVehicle Type - The type of vehicle, for example, "Crane".
oEngine Serial Number - The unique serial number of the vehicle's engine.
oHierarchy List - The hierarchy that contains the vehicle.
oHierarchy IDs - The unique ID of the hierarchies that contain the vehicle.
oIs Unit Active - The vehicle's active/inactive status in the fleet.
oFleet Names - The name of the fleet the vehicle is assigned to.
oFleet IDs - The ID value of the fleet the vehicle is assigned to.
oTags - The arbitrary tags assigned to the vehicle, for example, "Joe's Truck" or "Weekend Only".
oBase - The marker location where the vehicle is based.

Next, choose a comparison operator for Vehicle filters, or a date operator for Day time filters. For vehicles, this operator determines how the field value should be compared to the filter criterion. Possible comparison operators include:

oEquals: "="  this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion exactly matches the filter field's value.
oNot Equals: "<>" - this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
oLike - this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion partially matches any part of the filter field's value.
oNot Like -  this filters the graphs to show all events and values where no part of the filter criterion matches any part of the filter field's value.
oIs Default Value. Selects only items that match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
oIs Not Default Value. Selects only items that do not match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.

For date-based filters (Day and not including Vehicle Year) you are instead required to filter on one of the following pre-defined date value comparison operators:

oEquals: "="  this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion exactly matches the filter field's value.
oNot Equals: "<>" - this filters the graphs to show all events and values where the filter criterion does not match any part of the filter field's value.
oComparison: greater than ">", or greater than or equal to ">=" or less than "<" or less than or equal to "<=" - these filter graph data so only events and values with the specified relationship between filter field and filter criterion are shown.
oIs Default Value. Selects only items that match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.
oIs Not Default Value. Selects only items that do not match the default value for the metric. No filter criterion is required.

For example: Week Starting Date<>1 (this equates to "Week start time is not January 1st")

Next, choose a filter criterion. This is a literal value that the filter field's value is compared to. Filter criteria are either strings or numbers for both Vehicle and Day filters.

oNumeric values can include any of the digits from 0 to 9, the "-" character, and a decimal point. For example, -3.14.
oString values can include any alphanumeric values, plus the characters "-", ":", ",", " -", and ";". You can also include a dot (".") or space (" "), as long as the entire filter criterion is enclosed in quotes. For example: 'Tractor Trailer 12'

To create more advanced filters, click Add as many times as needed, each time adding an additional filter field, comparison operator, and filter criterion. Each additional filter is treated as an & (AND) statement in the final generated filter. To remove any component of these advanced filters, click Delete beside the line you no longer want.

When you have selected all items to filter on, click Apply . The graphs update automatically. Depending on the number of filters you have applied, this generation process might take a minute or so.

To clear all filter queries from the wizard, click Remove All .

To close the wizard click Cancel .


Date Filter. Click to open the Date Filter, then select the date range to show in the dashboard graphs:

Pre-defined filter ranges include:

Last 7 Days
Last 30 Days
This Month
Last Month
This Quarter
Last Quarter
Year To Date
Custom Range

As you hover over each option the corresponding dates are displayed in the From and To fields.

If you choose Custom Range, a calendar control opens. Use this to select the start and end dates of your custom date range. Click Apply to update the dashboard graphs.