Additions to Existing Dialogs and Screens

Many of the UI features of Verizon Connect® Response™ consist of small to large changes in the screens of the Verizon Connect® Fleet™ user interface (or that of a compatible telematics product). These include:


Route reports - A new report that compares planned jobs to the actual behavior of your vehicles.

InSight Alerts

Job-related InSight Alerts - Additional InSight Alerts for receiving notifications when your vehicles do not behave according to the plan.

Vehicles list

Additions to the Vehicles list - New columns of job-related information in the Vehicles list.


Territory support in the Markers list - An addition to the Markers list lets you assign territories to depots and customers.
Marker Details popup - A new tab to the Marker details popup shows the pending jobs for a customer.


Additions to the Driver Forms screen - The Driver Forms screen can show when forms are associated with jobs.
Driver details popup - A new tab in the Driver details popup lists the jobs assigned to a driver.

The Map

Displaying Jobs on the map - The map shows job information in a variety of ways.
Map tools - Changes to the map tool bar and additions to some of the tools that appear in the map tool bar.
Jobs and the history layer - Changes to the map history layer show job information.
Map settings changes - The map settings dialog lets you configure the display of job information on the map and Gantt chart.

Main Menu

Additions to the Main Menu - Direct links to the Jobs and Jobs Gantt Chart tabs of the map.

Main Settings dialog

Additions to the Settings Dialog - A new Jobs page on the main Settings dialog lets you configure Response.

Roles (permissions)

Dynamic Response Suite support and roles - New permissions that can be associated with roles.