Creating DVIRs for Trailers

If your drivers are using Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ version 4.7 or later, you can create separate DVIRs  (driver vehicle inspection reports) for your drivers' tractors (also referred to as "vehicles") and each trailer.

To create an asset type for your trailers:


1.From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Asset Type.
2.Click Create.

3.On the Parameters tab, add a Name and clear the Allow users to assign drivers to vehicles using this asset type check box. Only vehicles using asset types that do not have this setting are displayed in WorkPlan as trailers.

4.Click Save.

To assign vehicles to the trailer asset type:

1.From the Main section of the navigation bar choose Vehicles.
2.Click a vehicle in the list and select Edit Vehicle.
3.Select the Details tab.
4.In the System Details section click the down arrow in the Asset Type field too open the drop-down menu.
5.Select the trailer asset type you added earlier.

6.Click Save.

To create form templates:

1.From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Form Templates.
2.Create new form templates for your trailers with a Form Type of "DVIR" or "DVIR Third Signature". Refer to DVIR Form Templates for guidance. You might want to create different form templates for pre-trip, post-trip, and on-demand inspections.

To assign the form templates to the asset type:

1.From the Tasks section of the navigation bar choose Asset Types.
2.Select the trailer asset type you added earlier.
3.On the DVIR tab, select Use DVIR form templates selected below.
3.In the Form Type section ensure that either DVIR or DVIR Third Signature is selected.
4.From the drop-down menus select the DVIR form templates you want to use for pre-trip, post-trip, and on-demand inspections.

5.Click Save.