
A dashboard provides quick and easy access to your views. You can arrange the views on your dashboard as you like, and you can easily add views or remove views.

The Dashboards screen is displayed when you open Analytics, when you click on the Dashboards tab in the upper left corner of the screen, or when you click on Analytics in the upper left corner of the screen.

The Dashboards screen contains the following items:


1.Search - Start typing the name of a dashboard or view to bring up a drop-down list of possible matches. Select a dashboard or view from the drop-down list, or press the "Enter" key to return a list of matching dashboards or views.
2.Account drop-down - From the account drop-down list you can view information about the application (under About), provide feedback, refresh your data, or sign out.
3.Create dashboard - Create a new customized dashboard.
4.Create view - Create a new view and assign it to one of your dashboards.
5.Grid or List view - Toggle between seeing the Grid view (like in the example screenshot) or List view of the dashboards.
6.Quickstart dashboards: The following three dashboards are available by default to all users:
oFuel efficiency dashboard
oDriving behavior dashboard
oUtilization dashboard
7.Included views - In both the Grid view and List view, the number of views included in the dashboard is displayed. When you click on the downward-facing arrow next to the number of views, you can see the names of the views that are included in the dashboard.