HOS Available Hours Reports

HOS available hours reports show how much time each driver has left for driving and for on-duty tasks before breaching HOS regulations. The information about the hours each driver has already spent driving or on duty is recorded in each driver's Verizon Connect® WorkPlan™ mobile application.

Report Settings

The options specific to HOS available hours reports that you can set are as follows:

Time Frame - Which time frame to cover.
Driver - Which drivers to include. You can select specific drivers, one or more teams, or an entire fleet.

Report Columns

The columns of an HOS available hours report are as follows:

2.Driver: The name of the driver.
3.Base Marker: The driver's depot location.
4.Available Drive Time: The remaining time before the driver should stop driving to avoid violating a rule.
5.Available On-Duty Time: The remaining time before the driver should go off-duty to avoid violating a rule.
6.Has Events: Indicates if this driver has any HOS events that day.